What else are these Biblical Kings?  Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Methuselah, Salmanazar, Balthazar, Nebuchadnezzar, Solomon & Melchizedek?
They are large size champagne bottles.  The Bible Museum is looking for *empty* large size champagne bottles for an exhibit on Champagne and Kings of the Bible.
Are you able to help?
We have been in contact with Seppelt & Taltarni Wineries with no success, so are hoping people in SW Victoria might have one or two lying round which they'd be happy to donate.  They don't need to be french champagne, as the labels will be replaced with new ones.  You can contact us via our facebook page or email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 03 5495 1169.
The 30 Litre Melchizedek is probably not available in Australia - they cost at least  $6,000 to buy full, anything up to $200k for more expensive vintages!

The Bible Museum collection includes several beautiful French Bibles, some of which are shown in the photo below.  The exhibit will include French Bibles, Babylonian artefacts (replicas) and information about the champagne bottles and the kings they are named after.